Tear In The Pack, Story By Adam – “Unsanctioned Pub Crawl”

“After traveling with my loser friend Carl for a month, our story of where we’re from and what we did got a little redundant, so a game was formed.  The game was to see who would be tripped up first on an improv’d story.

We built a portfolio of stories but one stood out above the rest;  Off duty pub crawl guides in Prague.  We where telling this story to seven girls from the U.S. in our hostel about 3 hours after we arrived in Prague and before we had seen any of the city.  The fictitious story quickly grew out of control as we struggled to trip each other up.  The story escalated when I offered to take them on our pub route at 9pm that night.  Because we knew nothing about Prague we had to run down to reception and have them highlight ten of their favorite bars on a tourist map.


At this point it was becoming too funny to stop.  So, at 9pm we strolled to the front of the hostel to discover over 30 people waiting for our “pub crawl”. The girls had spread the word around the hostel and what started as a small group quickly turned into a mob.  We had seen enough pub crawls at that point to feel confident about faking it, but what we hadn’t anticipated was the first bar on our map being a complete local dive bar (We had just asked reception for their favorites, not most popular…).  Strolling in to this bar with 30+ people, the bartender literally shut the music off and everyone just starred at us.  A few awkward minutes go by until the music came back on, but this time playing Green Day’s “American Idiot” as loud as the speakers could handle.  Our earlier shots of Absinthe helped us brush this off with a laugh, which seemed to entertain the locals enough to leave us alone.

About three bars and several drinks later, Carl and I quickly started getting lost in the unfamiliar city.  While we thought we provided a good explanation as to why, one of the girls finally looked at us and said ‘you are full of shit aren’t you?’.  Fortunately everybody was having enough fun to keep us in-charge in what turned into an epic night out.”



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Travel Mistake #1

Trusting someone else to book an important ticket.

I’ll try to make this short and not rant.

Some of the cheapest transportation can only be booked on non-english websites, so it requires help.  I grappled with the decision to fly to Kiev or take a train over the cost.  The train would take much longer but save a little money.  Feeling sick, tired and in dire need to move to warmer climate quickly, I opted for the flight.

I had to trust a girl working at the hostel to book my ticket.


She booked me to the wrong city.

The flight ended up costing more than I was told and more than my entire stay at the hostel.  I didn’t catch the mistake because Gmail blocked the ticket until hours before my flight and the cities are spelt different in Polish.  I first realized the mistake when I heard the city announced over boarding call.

So, I traveled less than half the distance to where I needed to go at 8x the cost of a train.


At this point I don’t know if I should be pissed, cry, or just be appreciative that she was willing to help.  What I do know is this trip is costing me $135 dollars more than the train alone and taking me 16 hours longer than the correct flight… (it’s even 4 hours longer that if I took a train the whole way).

On second thought, I’ll go with pissed.

Editors note:  It’s a good thing I re-wrote this after I cooled down.  The original post was just four letters with a bunch of exclamation points… k.

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Dazed and Confused…

The race against winter has officially been lost.  It’s snowing in Krakow and I own a full wardrobe of winter clothes.  I’ve been decommissioned with a second cold which has slowed filming, blogging and traveling to a crawl.  BUT, the show must go on, so here’s the plan;

I fly to Kiev, Ukraine on Thursday.  From Kiev, I work on my Chinese Visa and flight to Asia.  After the administerial stuff is done; I explore.  Hopefully see Chernobyl, maybe visit Odessa (Although, I heard Odessa is only good for cheap beer and hot chicks.  So, I might skip it……) and a few other stops.

Once I get my Ukraine fill;  Asia.  My goal is Northern China then work my way south.  I’ll then bounce through Southeast Asia (Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, India, Nepal, etc.), which because of the weather, couldn’t be more enticing.  Asia is also where filming gets kicked up a notch, so get phsyced!

From here (Croatia):


To here (Poland):


Why!!?  Only three weeks apart.

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Story From Troy, Australia – “Trust”

Met Troy at the Hostel in Krakow. He read me the story from his buddy. True, Not, who cares… it’s funny.

“My girlfriend invited me to her house where I found her sister alone. So I sat there waiting for my girlfriend while her unbelievably sexy sister was sitting there with me. A few moments go by, then she comes up next to me, and whispers in my ear ‘we should have sex before my sister comes home’. I immediately got up and turned around to walk to my car. I found my girlfriend standing by the door, at which point she hugged me and said ‘you’ve won my trust’. The moral of the story, always keep your condoms in your car.”


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Tear In The Pack, Story By Scott – “From Russia With Love”

Another longer story but worth it!

“Back in July of 2009, I took three weeks off from work and flew into Moscow to do a trip around European Russia along with the Baltic States.  It was my first night in Moscow and I headed to a bar that the hotel recommended.  After arriving at the establishment, I immediately walked up to the bar and ordered a drink.  There was an attractive looking girl standing next to me as I waited for my vodka and seven.   She was definitely Russian judging by her Slavic features and the way she dressed along with her stiletto heels.

“Kak dela?” I asked.

“I am fine.  Spasiba.  I speak some English.  You don’t have speak Russian to me.”

The Russian girl was gorgeous and friendly.  Her name was Katya and I was trying to figure out if she was being a little too nice.  It was my first night in Russia and I had heard that prostitution was common.   After talking to her for a few minutes at the bar I decided she wasn’t a prostitute and asked her to come sit down with me at a table.


Over the next couple hours, we talked, she told me all about her city, we kicked back some shots of vodka, got a taxi and headed for the nearest hotel. The hotel was next to the Russian Cosmonaut memorial in north Moscow.  After checking in to the hotel room, she gave me a very pleasant Russian welcome… for about three hours.

We woke up sometime in the morning, and I had no idea what time it was.  The Russian summer and its white nights were not helping me or my Circadian rhythm.  I was starving so we headed across the street to a café for a quick bite to eat.  She told me more about her country and I almost choked on my food when she asked with a very serious face,

“Can you give some money because I was your guide.”

“What!?, no, you don’t talk business after the fact.”  I replied, as I was waving for the waiter to bring me the check.

“But, I tell you about my country and show you  good time.”

“Yes, but you had just as good a time as me, I bought you drinks, paid for a nice hotel room, bought you breakfast. And you know what, not once did you say spasiba or thank you.”

I promptly paid my tab, told her good luck, and left.  She was right behind me.  I walked into the nearest metro entrance. I turned to her, “Look, if you are going the same direction as me, fine, but don’t expect me to give you any money.”  She didn’t say anything.

I got on the train going to Mayakovskaya station and she wouldn’t let a foot come between us. “You can’t give me maybe 1000 rubles(30 dollars)?”

It wasn’t the money that was the issue, it was the principle.  “No, you need to quit following me right now.”  I didn’t want to make a scene because there were people around but I was getting very agitated.

“But this is how we do things in Russia.”

“I am not stupid, you don’t conduct business like that in Russia.”

The doors opened at Mayakovskaya station and I got out real fast, she was right there with me.  I was rather impressed how fast she could walk in her tall heels.  We got on the escalator going up to the street and I made a break for it.  Unfortunately, she grabbed a handful of my shirt as I took a fast step forward.  I could have easily pulled her with me or swatted her hand away but only with hundreds of Russians witnessing the act.  I was in a tight spot.  The last thing I needed was for a 30 dollar hooker following me around on my first full day in Russia.  Lonely planet didn’t say anything about this in their guide book.

We walked through the metro exit onto the street, and I could have turned right towards my hostel but I didn’t want her anywhere near there, so I kept walking straight.  I was outright pissed at this point.  This had to end and by no means was I going to pay her anything.  “If you don’t leave me alone I am going to literally run away from you!” I was pretty confident she couldn’t keep up with me in her heels.  Keep in mind that it was broad daylight, we were in downtown Moscow,  and thousands of  Muscovites were going about their daily routine.

She laughed, “I would like to see you run away from me with everyone around.”

A few minutes passed, she was still there, and I started running.  “Have a good life!”  I ran to the end of the block and turned right, I snaked my way around a few blocks and headed in the general direction of my hostel.  I can’t imagine what the Russians were thinking as they saw an obvious American running through the streets midday.  Maybe they wondered what I thought of the tour…

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Up To Speed


After Estonia I decided to skip Lithuania and shoot straight into Poland.  Krakow seems to be everyone’s favorite spot, but I don’t like doubling down on places I’ve visited.  So, I decided to shoot over to Warsaw (Which was low on the popular list) then into Wroclaw and visit a couple of great people, Hanna and Michal.  I saw Wroclaw as a good opportunity to get some rest… However, trying keep up with Michal, I found my self drinking vodka by the bottle, followed by 6am wakeup calls by the resident 2 year old.


Now I’m in Krakow logging some serious sleep and getting recharged for the push through Ukraine followed by China, granted I obtain a visa.  For the visa I’ll need to hit the Chinese embassy in Ukraine and if that fails try again in Hong Kong.

A little of Krakow,




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